Without goal there will be no progress
It has been said that failing to plan is planning to fail. A life that is void of plan will hardly make progress.
No builder will embark on a project without having a building plan. Goals are the steering that gives direction to movements.
Tony Robbins said "setting goals is the first steps into turning the invisible into visible". Harvy Mackay said " a dream is a dream but a goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline. Habakkuk said " write the vision and make it plain so that he that reads may run. Until you write it down you can't run with it. Someone said the faintest pen is sharper than the sharpest memory.
Chances are that you will not forget it, if you write it down. Do not underestimate the power of goal setting, it is the key to timely success.
Achieving goals become difficult when it is sets unrealistically. A goal that will see the light of the day must be written with certain considerations in mind. For example don't say I want to become a lawyer next year when you are yet to gain admission. Goals must be:
T-ime bond
A dream without a goal is just a wish, and remember that if wishes were horses even beggers would ride. YOU WILL SUCCEED!
jumobi Honest
Adding value to humanity
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