Monday, 27 February 2017

Don't. be casual

Don't. be casual

It is not a crime to dress casual sometimes, afteral, all work and no play makes Jack a DULL boy.  But you must also know that all play and no work makes Jack a POOR boy.

Dressing casual is not a crime but to think casual, feel casual or live casual is a recipe for disaster.

The boys scout motto is "be prepared". Opportunity does not wait for any one. Favour is the point where effort meet with opportunity. Those who live ready are already half way to success.

The No.1 rule for success is to live ready. But a casual person is never ready when opportunity comes. Don't be caught unprepared. Bishop David Oyedepo said " those who live casually often end up a casualty ". Brace up and be ready when your opportunity comes.

Make your life a projects, plan it with all carefulness and follow the sequence. Don't joke with every opportunity to learn new things. YOU WILL SUCCEED.

jumobi Honest
#adding value to humanity

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