Monday 27 February 2017

Welcome to your new beginning.

Welcome to your new beginning.

Everyday is a plus, everyday is a blessing, everyday gives us the opportunity to begin again. The Bible says, "this is the day that the Lord has made, I shall rejoice and be glad in it. 

Yesterday may have cost you tears and pain, but today certainly offers you joy. The Bible also says, troubles may last for a night but joy comes in the morning. Every new day begins with the " morning " morning symbolizes newness, youthfulness and strength. It also symbolize the beginning of a new beginning.

Someone said " every morning starts a new page in your story, be sure to make it a great one"
Whatever the troubles of yesterday, it is gone with yesterday, today is a fresh start take advantage of it.  2016 is gone with all its goodness and troubles, 2017 holds a lot of prospect. Ensure you grab it with both arms, don't let the troubles of yesterday Rob you of the joy in today.

There is nothing in the past to hold on to, but the future holds a million surprises. Look forward, for your best is still ahead of you, not behind you.

jumobi Honest
#Adding value to humanity

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