Monday 27 February 2017

Empowered for life

Empowered for life

Power is good, it gives you the ability to get things done, you are able to command things at will, everything respond to your call. You will agree that the best thing to happen to a man is to have power.

Money can make a man powerful, influence can make a man powerful, knowledge through education can make a man powerful and much more God can make a man more powerful than all the above.

But on the other hand the lost of power is a very tough thing to handle, the feeling of emptiness and loneliness, the feeling of incapacitation and rejection, inability to command the things you usually command. Desperation to want to get it back but too late. You may not know how it feels until you have experienced it. But may you never experience it.

What is more dangerous is to have power and not know.  Ignorance is a killer, it kills faster than terminal disease. Many do not know the potency of the power of the tongue. It is so potent such that it can give life and it can also take life, it can create and it can destroy. It can build and it can pull down. It only took God to speak the word to create the world.

God has laced your tongue with the power to create and recreate your world. If you don't like your reality, engage your tongue in the recreation process. You have been empowered to make things happen. He spoke to Jeremiah " I have touched your tongue with a coal of fire". You are the Jeremiah that God is talking about. There may be so many things you don't like in your life. It's time to change it with the power of your tongue. YOU WILL SUCCEED!

jumobi Honest
#adding value to humanity

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