Monday, 31 October 2016

Change means progress


*Change means progress*

It's been said that the only constant thing in life is change. *Those who refuse to change will definitely fade with time.*
John F. Kennedy said "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future".

The hard truth is that without change, progress will definitely be impossible, yet people resist it so vehemently. Those who wait for things to change before they changed often get short-changed in the process.

Here is the story of Nokia, 
As written by Rahul Gupta Sr.  I believe it will inspire you.

"During the press conference to announce NOKIA being acquired by Microsoft, Nokia CEO ended his speech saying this “we didn’t do anything wrong, but somehow, we lost”. Upon saying that, all his management team, himself included, teared sadly.

Nokia has been a respectable company. They didn’t do anything wrong in their business, however, the world changed too fast. Their opponents were too powerful.

They missed out on learning, they missed out on changing, and thus they lost the opportunity at hand to make it big. Not only did they miss the opportunity to earn big money, they lost their chance of survival.

The message of this story is, if you don’t change, you shall be removed from the competition.

It’s not wrong if you don’t want to learn new things. However, if your thoughts and mindset cannot catch up with time, you will be eliminated.

The advantage you have yesterday, will be replaced by the trends of tomorrow. You don’t have to do anything wrong, as long as your competitors catch the wave and do it RIGHT, you can lose out and fail.

To change and improve yourself is giving yourself a second chance. To be forced by others to change, is like being discarded.

Those who refuse to learn & improve, will definitely one day become redundant & not relevant to the industry. They will learn the lesson in a hard & expensive way".

Are you really changing or you are still stuck to the status quo. Here is a word of advice from Winston Churchill "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often". YOU WILL SUCCEED!

Jumobi Honest
...spurring many to success

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Thursday, 13 October 2016

There things are vital in a man's quest for success and relevance.

... A daily dose of success nugget.

There things are vital in a man's quest for success and relevance.

This three things are:

* Knowledge
* Planning and
* Action

A mans value can not be greater than the amount of knowledge that is available to him. People will either celebrate you or relegate you based on the level of what you know. Knowledge is key and crucial if a man will truly amount to anything meaningful in life. Since knowledge is broad and wide and no one single person holds the key to all knowledge, It is therefore very pertinent to strive at all cost to keep acquiring it. Because the more you know the better you become.

Secondly, planning is what makes LIFE'S dreams easier to achieve. Someone said " Proper planning prevent poor performance " true success can't and won't be achieved without thorough planning. When a man can make plan, he is half way to success. When a man can plan it  shows that he knows where he is going and he knows how to get there.

And finally, ACTION is the driver to success while planning is the direction. Someone said, success seems to be connected with action. He that must win must work. There are too many knowledgeable failure out there, they know so much such that they are ever willing to proof it  by arguing on the road side, by the news vendor's stand. Knowing too much can be frustrating when you can't properly apply them to your life.

Any dream is achievable and any goal is attainable, only if you can plan your life, work at making your dreams come through and acquire relevant knowledge that will help you get there.

Don't miss Excel conference season 2. October 16. 6:30PM. Venue: WhatsApp. Send yes to 08032320038.

Jumobi Honest
...spurring many to success

Knowledge works when properly applied

... A daily dose of success nugget

Sometimes enthusiasm is more powerful than professionalism. There are so many stranded professional because they lack the ability to put there skills to work. What you know is irrelevant when you do nothing with it. Knowledge does not equal success, it is constant practice that lead to success. I do not play down on knowledge because knowledge has a very potent force that can transform a non-entity to a celebrity. But Knowledge can not achieve results unless it is properly applied. If knowledge equals success professors should be the richest on earth today. But knowledge does not equal success, it is work that does.

What will you do today that will make you a success tomorrow? Work and success are inseparable twin. The beauty of knowledge is that it helps you work better, and the beauty of working is that it helps you gather knowledge through first hand experience and subsequently leads to success. I have seen a first class graduate without job and I have seen a school drop out living large.

Don't get me wrong, I am not playing down on knowledge, I am an advocate for education myself, i believe that people should go for knowledge and be better informed. But my point here is that you should add hard work to knowledge and your success will know no bound.

Jumobi Honest
...spurring many to success

Power of prudence

... A daily dose of success nugget

Being prudent is to be discreet, it is to properly apply wisdom in every situation, it is to engage rational as a tool for decision making. "Prudence is what makes someone a great commodities trader - the capacity to face reality squarely in the eye without allowing emotion or ego to get in the way.
-John Ortberg.

Only those who have tried foolishness will know the value of prudence. It is only a matter of time a prudent man will always find himself at the top of the ladder.  If surplus is the goal, prudence is a must. God hates a waster but loves the prudent, the reason why many are in lack is because they do not apply prudence in spending, many of us do a lot of impulse buying - we buy things that we do not need, we spend without budget. Wether personal or corporately anyone who do not apply prudence will not maximize profits. The proofs of prudence is a life of surplus.
There is a lot of difference between prudence and craftiness, most politicians are crafty (not all) while some entrepreneurs are prudent (not all). If you have to buy all the "Aso Ebi" that comes to you, you will soon go broke.

To apply prudence you must:
1. Think before you act
2. Apply wisdom in everything
3. Draw a budget before spending
4. Develop a saving culture
5. Trim your expenses.

"Rashness belongs to the youth but prudence is to the old". Marcus Tullius Cicero. be wise, embrace prudence. YOU WILL SUCCEED!

Jumobi Honest
...spurring many to success


... A daily dose of success nugget

Don't blend with the crowd, stand out, carve out your own uniqueness, you are created for a purpose and that purpose you must fulfill. A great thinker said " if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything " if you do not create your own path, others will draw you along there's. The road may be the same but the destination is not. Not everyone who boarded a bus alight at the same bus stop, and even when they do, they will still head in different directions. Don't get carried away by the excitement of the crowd so as not to miss your alighting point.

There was a baby lion who by chance found himself among the sheep, every time the baby lion goes to the stream with the sheep, a mother lion always appear to them, as soon as the sheep sight the mother lion they all took of including the baby lion. Then one day, while at the stream the baby lion noticed that he doesn't look like the sheep  but rather like the mother lion that always chase them. So he decided not to run. When the mother lion came and saw that the baby lion was one of them she welcome him home.

Dr Steve said "Why fit in when you were born to stand out"
So many people are in a place where they have no business being, and they have refuse to leave because of insecurity. The place is killing there God given vision and they know it, but the fear of how to survive has tied them down. It's time you make a bold decision and GET OUT! Of that place. " It's easy to stand with the crowd but it takes courage to stand alone". Don't let fear cripple you from standing out, find your own path and follow the lead. YOU WILL SUCCEED!

Jumobi Honest
...spurring many to success

Blessed to be a blessing

... A daily dose of success nugget

Whom God has blessed no man can curse, God has pronounced a blessing upon you that is beyond every curse, your life is in God's hand not the devil or any man. "And he (God) said in blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply your seed".(Gen. 22:17) The question is, he whom God has blessed, who can curse? Definitely no man. So therefore, your life is beyond human curses, don't allow any body to deceive you, you are a blessed child of God, he cares and value you, don't be intimidated by the enemy. Hold on to God, he is your refuge and fortress.

Many do not understand their rightful place, therefore they settled for less. God told Abraham that " As far as your eyes can see, so shall your feet possess"(Gen. 23:6) To me, that is like giving someone a blank cheque. People don't think big because they are use to mediocrity. Some people will still doubt the possibility of success even when they are face to face with it. The reason why people doubt success is because they have stayed too long around failure. Success is not for some people but for everyone one who truly desire it. To attract success you must:
* Developed yourself
* Think success
* Speak success
* Believe in yourself
* Celebrate others success
* Move with successful people
* Work hard and Pray hard

You were born to win, don't die as a mediocre. YOU WILL SUCCEED!

Jumobi Honest
...spurring many to success

People are your best asset

... A daily dose of success nugget

At creation God said "it is not good for man to be alone, I will make an help meet for him" Gen.2:18. Gods plan for all creation is to inter-relate, God didn't intend for us to be an island, His original intention is for us to work in unity. Everybody needs somebody. This our "Holier than thou" attitude won't get us anywhere. J F. Newton said
“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges"

the rich knows the value of people and that is why they are getting richer. Where ever you see people you see money because people are the greatest asset you can have. People are a great source of wealth, the link you need to the next breakthrough might just be the neighbor next door to you, but because you won't greet him, how will you know he has it.

A Yoruba proverb says" people are the clothes that covers our nakedness (shame) when I see people my spirit is lifted. Show me one success that you have achieve that people are not involved, God doesn't come to man any more, he send people. If God should come to you in His full nature, will you wait? He is a spirit, how many of us will see a spirit and wait, even if He's carrying a bag full of dollars.

Every body need somebody. Joseph need the king bearers, David needed Samuel, Jesus needed the disciples, we all need Jesus, so who are you not to need someone. It's high time we change our orientation and start placing value on people because you don't know when you will need them.

How to get the best out of people.
1 Respect them
2 Show kindness
3 make yourself friendly
4 Give complement when necessary.
5 Value their input

Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate.

Jumobi Honest
...spurring many to success