Thursday 13 October 2016

Knowledge works when properly applied

... A daily dose of success nugget

Sometimes enthusiasm is more powerful than professionalism. There are so many stranded professional because they lack the ability to put there skills to work. What you know is irrelevant when you do nothing with it. Knowledge does not equal success, it is constant practice that lead to success. I do not play down on knowledge because knowledge has a very potent force that can transform a non-entity to a celebrity. But Knowledge can not achieve results unless it is properly applied. If knowledge equals success professors should be the richest on earth today. But knowledge does not equal success, it is work that does.

What will you do today that will make you a success tomorrow? Work and success are inseparable twin. The beauty of knowledge is that it helps you work better, and the beauty of working is that it helps you gather knowledge through first hand experience and subsequently leads to success. I have seen a first class graduate without job and I have seen a school drop out living large.

Don't get me wrong, I am not playing down on knowledge, I am an advocate for education myself, i believe that people should go for knowledge and be better informed. But my point here is that you should add hard work to knowledge and your success will know no bound.

Jumobi Honest
...spurring many to success

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