Thursday, 13 October 2016

Blessed to be a blessing

... A daily dose of success nugget

Whom God has blessed no man can curse, God has pronounced a blessing upon you that is beyond every curse, your life is in God's hand not the devil or any man. "And he (God) said in blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply your seed".(Gen. 22:17) The question is, he whom God has blessed, who can curse? Definitely no man. So therefore, your life is beyond human curses, don't allow any body to deceive you, you are a blessed child of God, he cares and value you, don't be intimidated by the enemy. Hold on to God, he is your refuge and fortress.

Many do not understand their rightful place, therefore they settled for less. God told Abraham that " As far as your eyes can see, so shall your feet possess"(Gen. 23:6) To me, that is like giving someone a blank cheque. People don't think big because they are use to mediocrity. Some people will still doubt the possibility of success even when they are face to face with it. The reason why people doubt success is because they have stayed too long around failure. Success is not for some people but for everyone one who truly desire it. To attract success you must:
* Developed yourself
* Think success
* Speak success
* Believe in yourself
* Celebrate others success
* Move with successful people
* Work hard and Pray hard

You were born to win, don't die as a mediocre. YOU WILL SUCCEED!

Jumobi Honest
...spurring many to success

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