... A daily dose of success nugget
At creation God said "it is not good for man to be alone, I will make an help meet for him" Gen.2:18. Gods plan for all creation is to inter-relate, God didn't intend for us to be an island, His original intention is for us to work in unity. Everybody needs somebody. This our "Holier than thou" attitude won't get us anywhere. J F. Newton said
“People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges"
the rich knows the value of people and that is why they are getting richer. Where ever you see people you see money because people are the greatest asset you can have. People are a great source of wealth, the link you need to the next breakthrough might just be the neighbor next door to you, but because you won't greet him, how will you know he has it.
A Yoruba proverb says" people are the clothes that covers our nakedness (shame) when I see people my spirit is lifted. Show me one success that you have achieve that people are not involved, God doesn't come to man any more, he send people. If God should come to you in His full nature, will you wait? He is a spirit, how many of us will see a spirit and wait, even if He's carrying a bag full of dollars.
Every body need somebody. Joseph need the king bearers, David needed Samuel, Jesus needed the disciples, we all need Jesus, so who are you not to need someone. It's high time we change our orientation and start placing value on people because you don't know when you will need them.
How to get the best out of people.
1 Respect them
2 Show kindness
3 make yourself friendly
4 Give complement when necessary.
5 Value their input
Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate.
Jumobi Honest
...spurring many to success
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