Monday 27 February 2017

Don't be critical!

Don't be critical!

In everything you do, ensure that being critical is not one of them. Critical people make simple things become complex and complex things becomes difficult. Everything in life is a state of mind, what you see is what you get, if you see good in every situation you will enjoy the best of life. Sam Adeyemi said: what happens to you is not has important as how you react to it. You may not be able to control the wind but you can control your sail to ensure that the wind takes you to your destination.

How you react to everything is important, life is too precious to make out "a tragedy" out of every comedy. Being critical Robs you of the joy of relationship. We relate with people in our day to day activities, but by being critical you destroy the possibility of a fruitful relationship, even before it ever  started.

Savor the good that comes with every moment, see the good in every situation. Take life easy and enjoy every moment. Life is not hard please don't make it hard. YOU WILL SUCCEED!

Jumobi Honest
adding value to humanity

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