...raise your voice!
Someone said "silence is golden " but I say not in every context. No one knows what is in the mind of a man unless he speaks out. Even mind readers are only guessing they don't have 100% assurance of what lies in the heart of any man.
Your voice is your worth, sometimes, people place value on you base on what you say. A notable adage says "The wise speaks because they have something to say but fools speaks because they have to say something".
Words have weight, words have power, your word is your worth and your worth is reveal by your word. When you say nothing people hear nothing but if you say something people hear something.
Ability to speak convincingly is an hall mark of a leader. Everyone who desire to be a leader must cultivate the habit of speaking.
Don't work this path unnoticed, lend your voice to vital issues and make it count. Speak out and be counted.
You are born to make impact, don't die as a non entity. Give expression to your thoughts, let out the leadership ability in you, amplify your voice and make it heard. Blow your trumpet and give direction to many, don't let fear cripple your latent ability.
You are born to make things happen, its time you make it happen. YOU WILL SUCCEED!
Jumobi Honest
...adding value to humanity
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