Thursday, 27 April 2017

Living beyond Limitations #BeAllYouCanBe

Living beyond Limitations #BeAllYouCanBe
By Lanre Olusola              

Lanre Olusola

What would you do if you were blind?
What would be your state of your mind if you didn’t have arms?
What will your life be like if you didn’t have legs?
 “The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them in to the impossible”
 –Arthur C. Clarke
 I have come to terms with this reality;
“Necessity is TRULY the mother of ALL invention”.
When one finds himself or herself in a particular situation or circumstance where certain things are necessary for them to SURVIVE then they have no choice but to ADAPT and CREATE.
Such is the case with my last two guests on “Be All You Can Be” my Popular Radio Show on Beat FM every Saturday at 9:30AM.Last week I had Adenike Oyetunde (An OAP who lost her limb a few years ago after she was 20) and two weeks before her, I had Cobhams Asuquo (The Bling Legend and Music writer and Producer).Hmmmm if you haven’t gotten his new album titled for you, you’re doing yourself a disservice.

These guys live the ESSENCE of what I’m trying to share here that “NOTHING is imPOSSIBLE and EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE if only you can dream, believe and take responsibility plus requisite and consistent action”

For example, Cobhams had to develop his other senses to normally move around and do things by and for himself because he is blind. The kinds of things these two people do even with their seeming physical limitations will blow your mind – Meaning that so can you if you had the need to and you had no choice.

But my questions for you are as follows:
“What’s your excuse for being mediocre and accepting what life throws at you”?
“Why are you holding yourself back from being all you can be or living the life that you can live”?

UNFORTUNATELY at your age NOBODY else can be blamed for where you are and why your life seems messed up but YOU.You have to live your life for yourself and stop being dependent on others.

In order to live your life realistically, you need to think of the realistic steps you need to take to live that life to the fullest. YOU have to stop existing and start living the life of your dreams

To do this YOU have to dream big, it all starts from your mind, your dream has to happen in your soul and spirit and YOU have to actually see it happen with your inner being and believe it and then YOU have to create the means and work towards actualising the dream.

Yes YOU!!!!
Even though I can accept the fact that right now you’re down and even possibly out but guess what, there’s no way to go from that place but up. Again let me reiterate that “There’s no other way to go but up when you’re down”. He who is really down no longer fears a fall. When you’re down there are really ONLY two options. The first option is to remain where you are which really does you no good or the second option is to get up with all the life force left within you and revisit and pursue your dreams.

According to one of the greatest basket ballers of all time Michael Jordan, “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed”

“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying”.
“You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them”.
“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it”.
“If you quit ONCE it becomes a habit. Never quit!!!”
“To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail”.
I believe that “The key to SUCCESS is to wire your mind to think positively”.
“You can actually Create your life and live it out. Creating your world is dependent a lot on internal and external factors”.
Your environment is very key. Your nurture becomes your nature.

So being in a positive environment and constantly listening to positive affirmations; Thinking positive thoughts; Encouraging only positive emotions are ALL important for creating a bright future. Living your life with the mentality of “I can do it”, is a master key to achieving your dreams. Also, when you believe and try to do certain things and you see yourself progress then you will eventually figure out a way to work it to the end and even get others to help you.

“Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion”- Micheal Jordan. You should always have the “never say never” and “never give up” spirit. You need to learn the importance of “BEING”. There is Power of DOING to BE. You are a spirit being with a mind living in an earth suit or capsule (Your body). This means that we are 3 in 1 BEING or DOING to BE is about Living out of your spirit and soul such that these dominate your existence – That is the Secret of Consistent Success; Fulfillment and Satisfaction.

Some people however allow their physical being to dominate their spirit and soul being, this is living way under capacity, living with disadvantages and limitations. Your sprit and soul are your most dominant, indomitable and creative forces and you should know them, learn them and take FULL ADVANTAGE of and LEVERAGE on them I.e. you should live from There as a spirit-being. However a human-being (I.e. Someone living out of his or her physical essence) has limits and is forced to accept and live within their physical limits hence certain doors will and can NEVER open up for them
So in summation there are three dimensions of existence:
1) The having dimension (Living for and being driven by worldly possessions)
2) The doing dimension (Living for and being driven by activities or busyness)
3) The being dimension (Living from, for and being driven by purpose)

Within these three dimensions are sliding doors; Between the having and the doing dimension there is a sliding door and between the doing and the being dimension there is another sliding door. The keys to these sliding doors are your perceptions and beliefs. A lot of human beings live from the having dimension in that they’re living just to acquire worldly possessions. This is the lowest of human existence where one is moved and led by his flesh, lust, greed, desires etc. The needs or wants at this lowest level of existence are never satisfied. Folks here will never be all they were created to be. Others are consumed by being busy and doing things either to feel important or relevant but deep down they know they are busy doing nothing of significance.

Be honest and truthful with yourself and locate where you’re operating from and slide open the door to the inner place, which is your “BEING”. The inner place that releases the essence of your existence. The inner place of purpose and personal power. Realizing that there’s more to your life than what you have or your daily activities and endeavours; Opening up your mind to see the vanity of living to have or do; Should open you up to NEW VISTAS in Life and Optimal Living, where ALL things are POSSIBLE for you. You can BE a co-creator with God for great and mighty things in your Life

The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today”- Les Brown. YOU are created better than you currently are, the ONLY thing or person in your way is YOU.

If you want to Be All You Can Be sign up NOW for our Life Coaching and NLP COMBO Master Class running from the 8th to 14th of May 2017. 20% discount available if you call and pay before the 1st of May. Call 08077077000 or email NOW to book your seat.
The Catalyst, Lanre Olusola

Africa’s Premier Life, Mind, Emotions & Behavioural Change Coach