Wednesday 1 March 2017

The Designer's Thought

The Designer's Thought

Every designer, whether graphics, fashion, architectural dramatic or visual art, is concern with the out come of his concept, the designer is deeply engulfed in the creative process of bringing out beauty out of what seems to be ordinary. he makes use of his creative ingenuity to craft out something beautiful out of nothing. The designers thought from on set is to achieve great aesthetic, something that will "wow" the beholder. No designer will ever want his work to be a subject of ridicule.

If this is true of a human designer, how much more of God the great designer. His plan for all is artwork is to be beautiful inside - out, to be a master piece that will bring glory and praise to His name. That's why he revealed in His word in Jeremiah
"29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end".

His intention for us is to live a life of influence and affluence,  he does not want us to be a subject of ridicule neither does he want us to be a reproach to His name, he wants to be proud of us at all time. This was clearly stated in His word in Romans  8:29 "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren".

There is no questions of whether God is responsible for your problem. God design your life for good and not for evil " God does not do evil neither does He tempt any man with evil - (James 1:13)

If your life does not reflect the designers thought, it is your duty to realign yourself to fit into His plan, don't justify your mistakes and failure, rise up and realign. You are created to reign, to live on the top, your live is design for upward progress and not downward movement. If things are not working, don't just sit down and watch. David Oyedepo said " what you don't want you don't watch". "And what you permit has the right to stay". You are not design for mediocrity so don't settle for it.

Take your rightful place by realigning with the designers thought and plan for your life. YOU WILL SUCCEED!

Jumobi Honest
adding value to humanity
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